Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Still Waiting

So, I fell asleep really early last night, so I didn't get a chance to write a blog post yesterday. So this is it. Just excuse the date! Well, yesterday there were no new emails sent out. I was sad, because not only did I not get one, I figured they would be following their pattern of skipping two days in a row. So, even though I know the answer because it's the next day already, I'm saving that for today's blog. So you'll just have to wait and find out! (well, honestly it's not like you guys don't already know!)

I was pretty busy all day, so I barely even had a chance to go on Twitter or check Pottermore stats. Basically, everything is still the same, and steadily increasing at the same rate, together. It's kind of annoying because I wanted it to be more realistic. For one, I don't even know all the ways you can earn house points, so it's hard to understand why Hufflepuff is so behind. And secondly, there is no way to lose points, so there's basically no way to catch up! In a way it's cool, but in another, it negatively impacts everyone on Pottermore because the first few thousands have basically decided the standings.

Well, that's it. Very short , but it's something! See you later today for today's actual blog post! :)


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