Tuesday, August 30, 2011

House Points on Pottermore

Since I've spent almost the entire day on Pottermore trying to earn house points, that's what today's blog post is going to be about! I've had an interesting experience today, and I want to talk about it! I want to cover a few things: how to earn them, how to lose them, and how to cheat the system and earn house points quick!

Let's start with how to earn them. When you initially first start playing the game, before you get to the potions and duelling, you can earn house points by collecting things. As you go through the chapters, there are things hidden on the pages such as chocolate frog cards, miscellaneous items, books, and potions ingredients. If you find everything, this gets you to around 20 points (which isn't much considering the top point total right now is over 6,400!). Once you finish going through the chapters, you can start to brew potions and play wizard duelling. However, wizard duelling is still down at the moment, so unfortunately you cannot earn house points this way. 

The other and probably most popular way to earn house points right now is brewing potions. It's easy enough, and gives you 5 points per successful potion (at least from all the potions I've brewed). The two major downsides to potions is that it takes an extremely long amount of time to brew a single potion for only 5 measly house points, and if you do one step wrong, you have to start completely over, even after waiting 80 minutes! Potions forces you to careful and patient and take your time. It is very tedious work, as I expect it would be in real life.

This leads me to my next topic: cheating the system to get points. I must admit, I feel kind of guilty for figuring this out and using it for a while, but let me tell you, it's not worth it, and it's not as bad as you might think! Let me tell you how I came across it. One time when I was brewing a potion, I put all the ingredients in, waved my wand, and let it brew. Then there is the second page of instructions you have to do to complete the potion. During these steps, I ran out of time, so it told me I failed but awarded me one house point for trying. This gave me an idea: what if I purposefully fail a bunch of potions and get a bunch of house points in a row! I thought it was genius!

So I did that for a while. I kept starting a potion and just leaving it to let the time run out. I did that for about 10 points, and then when I tried to do it again, I saw I couldn't keep brewing because I was out of ingredients! This confused me, because wasn't using any ingredients. But I had none left. So apparently, it take potions ingredients away no matter if you actually use them or not?! Well, I guess so, and that's why I strongly suggest NOT to do what I have been doing, because it's just not worth it. You'll waste all your money buying potions ingredients! If you're going to spend it, why not actually brew the potions and have them appear on your "brewed potions" page so you actually have something to show for it!

Well, that's my two cents on getting house points. I know it's tedious, but it's worth it to brew potions correctly! Tell me if i'm not the only one who tried that, or are there any other ways people are cheating? Let me know in the comments below! :)



  1. I found you through Kristina :)
    I haven't tried it, it sounded like a good idea though, if it didn't use up your ingredients. I can't wait for the duelling :)

  2. That's awesome, thanks! :) Yeah, I wish it didn't use up ingredients! Haha.

  3. There is a way to get around the 80-100 minute timer, and you do not have to buy all of the ingredients as some of them can be found hidden in the chapters. Once you run out of a certain ingredient it will appear in that chapter again. Still they have made it so you have to buy atleast one ingredient.


  4. Thanks so much for this!!! I just got onto Pottermore, and I finished the whole first book, but I only had like 15 house points or something (I missed a bunch of things), but then I did a duel and got 5 points for trying, and 5 points for the Cure for Boils potion. So now I'm up to 25 points, but some of my friends have like 40 points so I was like woah am I missing something here? Oh and btw this blog looks really cool!
