Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another Day Without Pottermore

Now it's to the point where this is my daily routine: I wake up in the morning, check my email, cry a little when it's not there, go about my day, come home, check my email again, cry some more because it's still not there, angrily blog about it, stalk twitter for hours, go to sleep. Then I wake up and the cycle repeats. It's awful and I want it to stop. I first want to talk about how angry I am that people have the nerve to complain about glitches on Pottermore, when first of all, they are FREAKING LUCKY to be some of the first on already, and second, THAT'S THE POINT OF A BETA TESTER! You FIND problems and TELL the Pottermore staff about them! DUHHH! I honestly think some idiots thought that getting an early access spot simply meant just getting on early! I mean, do they know what the word BETA means?!?! Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but I have to unleash my anger somewhere!!! Also, I'm sure a lot of you agree with me ;)

Another thing that's annoying me is the molasses-slow rate that Pottermore is sending out emails. Barely 5,000 a day, and I heard a lot of people talking on Twitter today saying that they skipped today completely!!! I mean, what is that about?!?! Are they trying to make us all wait until September 30th?! And what's up with that anyway? I mean, if registration opens for all in October, why on earth would they still be letting beta testers in on September 30th? That gives them absolutely NO time to listen to the beta's feedback and fix glitches. Although, they will have information from people that got on earlier (such as this week). So in a way, I don't even understand why they're letting in as many as they say they are going to. At the rate they're going, most of the beta user's feedback will be useless! Unless of course, "October" means mid-October or later, as in not October 1st... either way, I just don't get it!

On a lighter note, I want to talk about some of the spoilers and information about Pottermore I have looked at on the internet thus far. I won't post pictures or links or give away details, but I want to talk about some general stuff. So from what I've heard and seen, essentially what happens when you first start Pottermore, is that you start at the Dursleys and learn about their history, then go to Diagon Alley and get your supplies, pet, and wand, then go to King's Cross Station. I heard that all of these stops are sort of like mini quest where you have to find hidden objects to continue Then finally you get to Hogwarts and get sorted (which is probably the thing a lot of people are looking most forward to). At Hogwarts you play games like potion brewing and wand dueling (which is also where/how you earn house points). These are the two things that I heard are having glitches. I also heard that the site randomly crashes sometimes. However, I am not worried about this, because I just want to get on. Period. And chances are, something like that is easily fixed, and fast.

So those were my "spoilers" if you will. Now let me talk about the houses, house points, and how many. People have been tweeting and/or posting screen shots of the stats of Pottermore. This includes how many students are in each house, how many points each house has, and which one is in the lead. The last time I checked, someone had tweeted that there were 14,154 students total, 3,363 in Gryffindor, 3,323 in Hufflepuff, 4,162 in Ravenclaw, and 3,306 in Slytherin. Also, Slytherin is currently in the lead for house points, although I didn't see any exact numbers of points for each house. I'm a bit mad about this because I personally hate Slytherin, AND they have the least number of members, so I can't possibly see HOW they are winning!!! Of course, this is not perfectly legitimate information, and it changes very often as people play, but it's a rough estimate for the third day.

No matter what I see or hear, I still remain excited and gleeful about Pottermore. I am having some interesting/difficult times in my personal life at the moment, so Pottermore is giving me something to look forward to, and it is somewhat of a strength that keeps me going. I just pray that it comes soon, because I am soon leaving for school, and will have absolutely NO time to goof off on the internet :'( Well, I think that covers my rant for the day! Talk to you tomorrow, when I HOPEFULLY have something HAPPY to blog about!!! ;)


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