Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Emails Continue!

Much to my surprise and happiness, another batch of Pottermore welcome emails was sent out this morning! As I stated in my last blog (which I apologize for writing this morning), I feared that they would continue with their 2-day skipping pattern. However, they did not, so many lucky people (including my extreme Potterhead friend who is the biggest fan I know EVER) got their emails today! I unfortunately, did not. I don't know what I did wrong, but I must have done something for this to happen. I really needed it today too, because today was a really hard and sad day for me. Anyway, back to happiness!

Since I still can log onto my friend's account, let me fill you in on some Pottermore stats! :) There are currently 33,114 students on Pottermore. 7,578 are in Gryffindor, 10,282 are in Ravenclaw, 7,635 are in Hufflepuff, and 7,619 are in Slytherin. As you can see, Ravenclaw is still soaring ahead of the other houses in members, but the others have changed a bit! Hufflepuff now has the second-highest number of members, followed by Slytherin and then Gryffindor with the least. This is surprising and sad because Gryffindor is one of my favorite houses! I basically love all of them! Except I don't really like Slytherin... sorry! ;)

Ok now for house points. Slytherin is still in the lead with 4,377 points, followed by Gryffindor with 4,372 points, Ravenclaw with 4,070, and Hufflepuff still in last with 3,938. Hopefully with their increased numbers, Hufflepuff with gain more points soon! Go Badgers! :) So as you can see, students and points are rising quickly on Pottermore, and my instincts tell me that they will be coming even faster and sooner! With this encouraging news, I shall leave you for tonight! See you all tomorrow! :)


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