Monday, August 15, 2011

My Party & Pottermore is Here!

Finallly! The day has arrived! Just like I said it would, this morning, at around 9:00AM my time, Twitter exploded. The sign-in button was back on Pottermore, and people were getting their emails!!! I quickly checked my email, and I couldn't breath with excitement. To my dismay, I had no Pottermore welcome email. I was not discouraged, because I was certain that I would get it soon, sometime later that day. So I closed my laptop and began to prepare for my Harry Potter party. I was so excited that it came on the day of my party, just as I had expected it to!

One of my good friends, and fellow Harry Potter enthusiast, came over early to help me make butterbeer and pumpkin pasties. I had already made some chocolate pretzel wands last night, and other snack foods like chips, popcorn, and soda finished off the mix. Later on, my Mom brought pizzas for us, which was very nice of her! The party was pretty fun. We only got through two and a half movies. This was for a few reasons. First, no one showed up for a while, so we didn't start the movies until at least 12:00. Second, my sister and her friends came, but they just sat in the other room playing Sims 3 the whole time. So there were only a few of us in my living room actually watching the movie. The third, and probably biggest reason, was that we were all freaking out about Pottermore, and checking our emails and looking at screen shots that were leaked.

I admit, I cracked and I looked at some photos. I also read Petunia and Vernin's entire back story and the descriptions of the Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff houses! (for some reason the site I read it from didn't have Gryffindor). I feel very guilty, and I won't even know if they were real until I'm on Pottermore, but I just couldn't help myself! It was the only thing I could do to keep myself sane and feel like I was part of it. I am pretty furious because I registered for Pottermore on Day 1 within the first half hour, and I still don't have my email!!! I am blown away by the fact that they didn't do it in order of registration day.

I also spent most of the day reading people's tweets about possible reasons why they didn't send the emails out in order. I heard that people from day 3 and 4 were getting emails! I couldn't believe it, and I still can't! However, I am trying to stay positive, because this is supposed to be a fun, enriching experience. I don't want to ruin it with petty jealousy. I feel so immature! I'm going to college in less than a month, and I'm getting worked up over a silly website! To make a long story short, my party was basically a dud, and two friends and I ended up going to the Theater to see The Help (the second time for me). I just got back from it. It's a great movie, and I love Emma Stone!

Well, that pretty much sums up my day! I am now writing this in bed, ready to go to sleep, praying that my Pottermore email will be waiting for me in the morning! I just know it should come tomorrow, because it should have come today! If I don't get it tomorrow, I don't know what I will do! I guess I'll find out! Goodnight!


1 comment:

  1. I totally understand your feelings.
    I've been going through a lot of bad things lately (and I've been down), not to mention that I'll have to start working soon. (and I'm not looking that forward to that) So I was really exited to get into pottermore. I thought that they'd be sending them sooner than 15th August. Seems that I was wrong. And I really thought I'd make it on the first day they'd send the welcome emails, becuase I also registered on the first day, within the first half hour. (and to tell you the truth I've been doing the same things you did.)
