So a week or two ago, Pottermore released the last chapters of the Chambers of Secrets. I didn't have a chance to check them out right away, which is why I haven't blogged about them either. I've been super busy with school and getting ready to go home to for Thanksgiving. However, I finally had time to explore the last few chapters, and i'm here today to talk about them! :)
First, I want to say that I generally like them, like everything on Pottermore. The art is aesthetically pleasing to look at, and the new added sound effects are fun as well. I also liked how specific and detailed they got with each page of each chapter. They really focused on small parts of the story, which was nice.
One of my favorites was "Nearly Headless Nick's Party" because it was one of the ones where you had to click to go further into the room, instead of just zooming into the same page. My absolute favorite was "Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom" because she is one of my favorite characters. She makes me laugh so much! ;) It was also really cool that you had to wipe the slime off the mirror to be able to see the rest of the page. Another one of my favorites was "Harry and Draco's Duel" because you had to choose the right spells to move forward. It was just something extra that made the experience more enjoyable.
Two other cool pages were "Dumbledore's Office" and "The Slytherin Common Room." I've always loved Dumbledore's office, from the way it's described in the books, and the way it's portrayed in the films. I didn't actually get to enter the Slytherin common room because I didn't have time to brew Polyjuice potion, but i'm sure it is cool! Let me know if any of you have been able to unlock it! :) "Into the Diary" was also a really cool use of flash, when we zoomed into Tom's memory like Harry did.
Another cool use of flash was "The Entrance to the Chamber" when the sink faucets move to expose the entrance. These little additions are what makes the second book better than the first book on Pottermore. Of course, the cutest and best chapter of all in the last, "Dobby, a Fee Elf!" ;) I love him so much and it was so cute! I yelled in excitement just like I did when I originally read it, and every time I watch the film! SO there you have it. My review of the last chapters of the Chamber of Secrets! Let me know in the comments what you think about the book! :)